7 Reasons to Organize Your Digital Assets

7 Reasons to Organize Your Digital Assets

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Managing digital assets can often become more difficult than ideating and creating them. Whether you lead a marketing department or you ARE the marketing department, this likely hits close to home.

Often, you and your team spend a lot of time generating the creatives that are the backbone of your marketing communications. When they are ready to be released, they don’t always get the attention they deserve, often because the sales teams don’t know where to find them.

This is why organizing your digital assets is so important. Below, we’ve put together our top 7 reasons why organizing your digital assets should be at the top of your priority list.

7 Reasons to Organize Your Digital Assets

Consistent Location of All of Your Digital Assets

What’s the number one secret to controlling the chaos of establishing your marketing efforts? Organize your digital assets! One of the most crucial advantages of digital asset management is the ability to keep track of the whereabouts, upkeep, and protection of your digital resources.

When you organize your digital assets, you know which file is in which folder and it will always be there. So no matter when you need it—today, tomorrow, or years down the road—the file isn’t going anywhere. With the help of a predefined storage format, you’ll always know where to look!

No More Losing Assets

Your creatives were ready to go, but now, suddenly, they’re nowhere to be found. Maybe they got lost in a computer crash or as someone was going through and “cleaning up” the workspace and they were misplaced. When you’re working on a large-scale campaign with multiple teams, this kind of mishap is bound to happen.

When you use a DAM to organize your digital assets, losing assets becomes a distant memory. With the help of various access levels, every team will always have their eyes on what they need!

Saves Time & Resources

It’s not unusual for creative designers to have to share and reshare designs over and over again. This could happen for a number of reasons, like the teams not being able to find them or just forgetting that they were there in the first place. Take a moment to consider that this doesn’t have to be the norm.

By using a DAM, like Lariat Marketing Hub’s, you can adopt a new norm. Simply organize and sort your assets within your DAM and they will always be easy to find, for anyone on your team.

Streamlined Workflow

With the time saved from having all of your assets organized and accessible, it allows your team to focus on more important things, like utilizing those assets and running successful campaigns!

Having your creatives and files organized saves time for your team and improves their efficiency, leading to a smooth & streamlined workflow. (Meaning smoother days at the office for you!)

Easy Collaboration & Sharing of Assets

If you have a team that has a mix of remote, in-office, and hybrid employees, you likely experience some difficulties when it comes to collaboration of digital assets. They’re often scattered across different storage locations, which can significantly slow down your workflow and make collaboration time-consuming.

A DAM or marketing hub works as a centralized repository, making navigating your assets a breeze, no matter where your team members are located. Ultimately, ensuring that the collaboration between multiple teams is simple hinders potential roadblocks for productivity!

Organized Distribution

If your digital assets are organized, you have full control over how you want to distribute them. By managing asset folders, you can make sure the right teams are being given the right files. This can prevent any information overload when assets are shared with teams that don’t need them.

Also, when you have everything organized, the assets are more visible and you always know what you are sharing and with whom. For example, if you’re a manufacturer with a dealer network, this ensures that you aren’t sharing one dealer’s marketing assets with another.

Improved Security

Since the entire distribution and access of all of your digital assets is going to be under your control, the chances of your team accidentally leaking any assets are reduced. Moreover, if you have organized your digital assets using a DAM like Lariat’s, no one else can pass through the security of your files and any kind of theft of assets is extremely unlikely.

Ready to Get Organized?

Managing digital assets can often become more challenging than creating them, especially when you have multiple teams communicating across multiple channels. Spending hours creating amazing assets that get lost in the shuffle is a frustrating experience for any team. That’s why organizing your digital assets is crucial for better team management and a streamlined workflow. By using a DAM like Lariat’s, you can help your team save time, increase productivity, and ensure that all of your digital assets are always easy to find and use. It’s time to get your digital assets organized, so start a free trial with us today to see how you can simplify your workflow!

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